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During this extraordinary season of on-line meetings:

Each competition consists of two sections: -

1. A DPI of the "Themed Topic".

2. An open DPI.

If you firstly enter one image into each section, you may, if you wish,
then enter further images up to a total of three images in each section.

Please review your images carefully to select the most suitable ones for the competition. Here is a helpful guide as to what to look for and check in your image to ensure the basics of a quality image have been met. 

Submitting your images for competitions.


In order to use the latest version of the competition software that we propose to use for future competitions, it will be necessary for us all to submit our images in a slightly different way, but if we all follow these instructions exactly, the role of Competition Secretary will be much easier and the presentation of the competition will be greatly enhanced.  

The software requires the Competition Secretary to input rules for each competition so you must follow these instructions in order to ensure that the software does not reject your entries.

These rules include image size, colour space maximum number of images for each member.

1.            Resize your images as described in the competition rules and ensure the image colour space is sRGB.

2.            The rules for the numbers of images you can enter remain unchanged.

3.            Name your images starting with the order in which you wish them to be submitted, i.e. the priority followed by the title (01 Title, 02 Title......etc.).  Do not include any other characters as the software may reject your images. 

4.            When images are due for submission, create two folders, one for themed images and the second for open images, include your name in the folder name, i.e. ‘Keith Spicer_T’. Or ‘Keith Spicer_O’. Copy your images into the relevant folder.

5.            Submit your image folders using Dropbox or WeTransfer to the competition email address. 


The competition rules will be updated once this new process is proven



AdobeRGB has a wider colour gamut than sRGB this means that if you have your camera set to AdobeRGB, any software using sRGB as it’s native colour space will display your images with a slight but noticeable de-saturation across the whole image 

You can set your camera colour space via the menu, ask if you need help.



Make sure you correctly prioritise your entries.  Should any competition be over subscribed, the software rules will be set to exclude lower priority images i.e. the rules can be set to limit the maximum number of images from each member.

Video guides to preparing your competition entry are here - using Faststone & Lightroom .

The current competition theme - up to November 10th 2020, is "Autumn Landscape".

© 2025 A1 CameraClub                                 Front page background image by club member Tony Stringer

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